An interview with… Dr Csilla Gulyas

Dr Lindsay-Jo Sevier-Guy

We want to find out a bit more about our team!

Here, Lindsay-Jo speaks to our newest Co-Director, Csilla, about why she choose a career in Psychology.

Why did you want a career in Psychology? Why did you choose to be a Clinical Psychologist?

I have a really curious nature. I love to explore, research and make links and connections; and psychology encompasses all of these skills. I really like working with people, helping them to discover something new about themselves.  It is such a privilege, when you get to learn about yourselves together. Being a clinical psychologist is such a varied job, I have the opportunity to do therapy, to teach, to work with a variety of other professionals and to meet people from all walks of life. 

If you hadn’t gone into Psychology, what other profession would you have chosen?

I would have been some kind of designer.  Maybe interior design. I am no longer allowed near homeware shops because I keep redesigning my home…and (with permission) sometimes other people’s too.

What is your specialist area and why did you choose to specialise in this?

Having a curious nature means it is really hard to settle on just one area. I am really interested in the impact of traumatic experiences on our development, emotional and physical wellbeing. The links between physical and mental health are fascinating to me. I also have an interest in body image related distress and how we view our own bodies. Within these areas I am fascinated by relationships, with others but also ourselves. Another theme that I think strongly ties these areas together is a need for compassion for ourselves, which can be difficult for people if they have not had the opportunity to learn how to do this. Developing self-compassion can become such a rewarding part of therapeutic work.

What book do you most often recommend for clients?

I often recommend videos rather than books, because in busy lives, I think, a short video or a good metaphor can sometimes stick in people’s minds much better. But a great book that a lot of my patients have used successfully alongside therapy is The Happiness Trap by Russ Harris. It is based on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and is written in really accessible language with lots of exercises. There is a great audiobook version with exercises for those on the go.

Tell us something about yourself other than your work?

I really enjoy practising yoga in my spare time. There is something in it for everyone, some might be there for exercise, relaxation, help with physical or just for some stretching. I really value that you don’t have to be great at it, you just need to try to be present and mindful, something we can often forget to do in daily life.

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